IELTS勉強法:ライティングの秘訣#4: “IELTSのエッセイはどうやって書けば...?意見を述べる”
How do I write an opinion-style essay?
An IELTS essay is a shortened version of a typical academic essay. You only have 40 minutes to plan, write and check your essay, so it is essential that you structure your essay well. This way, your ideas can be clearly explained and understood.
The three essential components of any essay are:
1. Introduction
2. Body paragraphs
3. Conclusion
Let’s work through each section of a sample essay to help you understand how to write a high-scoring response for an opinion-style essay. This style of essay is the most commonly required in the IELTS test.
Let’s use the following example question:
どうでしたか?例を通して 意見を述べるタイプのエッセイの構成の仕方がよりお分かりいただけたでしょうか?あとは時間配分も含め、練習あるのみ!いろいろなタイプのエッセイに挑戦して力をつけていきましょう!