Happy days!
So, it seems that after a month of empty promises, spring has finally arrived in Sapporo. Even though this past winter was not the worst I have experienced in Hokkaido (I was actually able to ride my bike until mid-January), there is always a pleasant feeling when the weather begins to warm up and the snow begins to melt away. It might not be the best season in Sapporo, but there are still some great things about spring.
Just like the bears that inhabit the island, it seems as if everyone comes out of hibernation★. The streets are full of people with smiles on their faces and the whole city is in a happy mood. And just like the hungry bears, Sapporo residents have an appetite★ for life. The positive energy that exists is the thing I like most about this time of year. This energy often means people think about taking up★ new challenges or getting back into their favorite summer pastimes: running, camping, and hiking, to name a few. For me, it’s golf.
Golf is not usually seen as a young person’s sport, so perhaps it is a sign of getting older (I will turn forty in a few months), but I have been eager for the golf courses to open so that I can get out and start playing again. So, whether you are looking forward to viewing the cherry blossoms or, like me, are keen to dust off★ the sports equipment, I hope you all have a lovely Sapporo spring!
And bring on summer!!
★hibernation: 「冬眠」を意味します。ここでは冬に寒くてあまり外に出ていなかった人々が春になって暖かくなり街に出かけるようになった様子を「まるで冬眠から覚めたよう」と表現していますね!
★appetite: 「食欲、欲望、欲求、興味」などを意味します。春になるとおなかがすいているクマのように札幌に住む私たちも何かしたいという欲求が生まれますね!エイドリアンはゴルフのようです^^
★take up: 「(…を)取り上げる、手に取る、(…を)上方に連れていく、(乗り物に)乗せる、吸収する、ふさぐ、要する、奪う…」などいろいろな意味を持つtake upですが、このように「(仕事・趣味などを)始める」という意味もあります。みなさんはこの春何をはじめますか?
★dust off: 単語にある通り(…の)ちりを払うという意味のほかに、(取り出して)再び使う用意をするという意味もあります。春の到来もスポーツ用品などをだして用意するのも楽しみですね!