I wonder..
If you spend any time around English speakers, you will quickly notice how often they say sentences that begin with “I wonder…”. These sentences may be said to another person or nobody in particular.
“I wonder…” means “I curious and want to know…”. To make this kind of sentence, follow “I wonder..” with a question word (when / who / what etc). If the question you want to know about is a yes-no question, follow “I wonder.. with if or whether.
For example:
I wonder what the weather will be like tomorrow. (I want to know tomorrow’s weather forecast? Does anybody know what the weather will be like?)
I wonder who’ll win. (I’m curious about who will win. Who do you think will win?)
I wonder what the time is. (Please tell me the time.)
I wonder if that price includes sales tax. (I want to know if sale tax is included in the price.)
“I wonder..” statements are an indirect way of asking a question. They are also a great way to promote a conversation and discussion about a topic as these statements invite others to suggest possible answers.
もしあなたが英語を話す人たちと一緒にいたら、「I wonder…」で始まる文章が頻繁に使われていることにすぐ気づくことでしょう。これらの文章は他の誰か、もしくは特に誰に対してでもなく、使われることがあります。
「I wonder…」は「興味があるから知りたい。。。」という意味があります。こういった文章を作る時は、「I wonder…」のあとに質問の言葉(いつ/誰/何など)が使われます。もし「はい」か「いいえ」だけを知りたい質問の場合は、「I wonder..の後にifやwhether」が続きます。
「I wonder」は間接的な質問の文の形です。この言い回しは、会話やディスカッションで話題を広げるのにとても良い方法です。