
Top 3 reasons English students fail (And how to avoid it happening to you)

  • 2016.10.12

Learning to speak English will benefit you greatly in many aspects of life. For example, the ability to communicate in a common language helps you enjoy vacations more, opens pathways for further study and lets you interact in the world of international business and research.

Unfortunately, many people struggle to learn English, but why? Well, the answer is simple: English is difficult. With its strange pronunciation and grammar rules (and exceptions to those rules), English can be very confusing.

The challenge of learning English can be a little easier if you avoid a few mistakes students often make.

#1 – Do not avoid English.
All students want to improve their English, but unfortunately, many of themhesitate to use it. It is important to make English part of your daily life (e.g. learn a new set of words every day or listen to an English podcast on the subway.) Also, try to speak as much as possible in and out of lessons. The more you do something the more comfortable it becomes. This is especially true for speaking and writing in English.

#2 – Do not set unrealistic goals.
You will learn English faster if you set clear goals because these help you stay motivated. However, it is very important that your goals are realistic. It is impossible to become a fluent speaker in one month! If you set goals that are too high, you can become frustrated when you don’t achieve them. It is much better to continually set and adjust small short-term goals. This way you can celebrate your success in achieving them!

#3 – Don’t waste time.
Becoming a good English speaker is a long journey. You don’t want to make that journey any longer by wasting time. You waste time when you 1) use poorly designed materials, and 2) have poor study habits. So, it is very important that you find high-quality materials that have been proven to assist students and adopt good study habits. For more advice on effective materials and study habits, please ask the counseling and teaching staff at Wordwise.

★open pathways: 道を切り開く
★Unfortunately: 不幸にも、不運にも
★hesitate: 躊躇する、ためらう
★realistic: 現実主義の、現実的な
★adopt: 採用する、(自分のものとして)取り入れる
