Wordwise 126 A2854

Top 3 Facebook sites to follow (Part 1)

  • 2016.03.09

At Wordwise, we strongly suggest students “get some English” everyday. 10 to 15 minutes of English a day will have a huge impact on your learning, and it will help you stay motivated. This doesn’t mean you always have to study grammar or vocabulary. It just means you should interact with English in some way. Magazines, music, or TV shows are good ideas, but these days, one of the easiest ways is to use Facebook. If you regularly check into Facebook, I suggest following two or three interesting pages. Then, click on a link that appears in your newsfeed and just like that, you’re interacting in English.
Of course, there are so many Facebook pages that finding an interesting one can take time. Here are three pages you can try. I follow them because they’re interesting and fun, and discuss a wide range of topics. And remember, you’re interacting, so you don’t need to understand everything.

1.   Bright Side. This page tries to focus on the bright side of life as a way of balancing out all the negative news we receive these days. The page often posts creative suggestions to improve your lifestyle, fun photo galleries and heart-warming stories. One of today’s posts was “14 heart-warming images which remind us that kindness conquers all”. It is a pleasant way to start the day. 

2.   Tasty.  This is a food page. It has videos of recipe that all look delicious and are easy to follow. A post from the site in the morning is a great way to get the creative juices flowing. The recipes use simple English and you may not learn about grammar, but it's a great way to interact!
A similar pages is Tastemade  . Both link to longer video cooking lessons, so if you like food, it’s a great way to get your daily English.   

3.  George Takei. George is an actor/director. His most famous role was Mr. Sulu in the original Star Trek series. He tries to promote equality and dignityof all human beings. His page links to sites that are often funny, sometimes serious, sometimes a little sad, and always interesting. Recent posts include “jokes written by kids that will make you laugh” and “a goodbye letter from his dog.”

Now that, I’ve listed the “Top 3”, I realize that there are actually so many more great pages to follow. I hope you check these out and enjoy them. If they are not for you, please look out for next “Top 3”, where I will continue with Part 2.

*Interact: (…と)相互に作用する、互いに影響し合う、接する 
*heart-warming: 心温まる、うれしい
*dignity: 威厳、尊厳、品位、気品、(態度などの)重々しさ、荘重、位階、爵位
