To go with the flow
When you do what other people are doing or agree with them because it is the easiest thing to do, you “go with the flow”.
A: “I was a bit tired, but everyone else wanted to go out. So, I just went with the flow. And, actually, I had a great time.”
In other words, a person who just goes with the flow, may be described as a relaxed and laid-back person who doesn’t try to have a big impact on the people or events around him.
Jane: “What are you doing this weekend?”
Brad: “No plans. I think I’ll just go with the flow and see what happens.”
最も簡単なことだから、他の人がしていることと同じことをしたり、それに賛同したりする時、“go with the flow” というフレーズを使います。
A: 「少し疲れていたけど、みんなが出かけたいと言うから流れに任せてそうしたんだ。そしたら、実際とても楽しかったよ。
ジェーン: 「今週末は何をする予定?」
ブラッド: 「特にないよ。まあ、その時の流れに任せて決めるよ。」