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IELTS勉強法:リスニングの秘訣#6: “予測”

  • 2017.01.31



前回のIELTSリスニングのコツでは、とても重要な一般的なアドバイスの他、毎日のカジュアルなリスニングと週に何回か集中してリスニングの練習をすることの両方をお勧めしました。この集中して行うリスニングをする際には、高得点を獲得する為に高いリスニング力を持つ人が使う 特殊なスキルを上達させることに焦点を当てるとよいでしょう。そのもっとも重要なスキルは、予測、要約、メモ取り、概要・詳細の見極め、“手掛かり”となる表現の認識です。

Listening Skills : Predicting

The previous IELTS Listening tip gave you some very important general advice and recommended doing both casual listening everyday and focused listening practice several times a week. In your focused listening sessions, you should focus on improving the specific skills strong listeners use to achieve high scores. The most important of these are predicting, summarizing, note-taking, identify general ideas & specific details, and recognizing “signpost” expressions.

This tip looks at the first of these skills, predicting.

The Listening section has one very helpful feature - you always have time to read the questions before the recording starts. This is usually around 30 seconds.

Good listeners use this time to analyse the questions, begin thinking about the topic of the conversation or speech and predicting possible answers. This type of prediction helps you determine the type of information you’ll need to listen for in the recording.

For example, if the question is a gap fill exercise, you should predict which type of information you will need. In other words, does the blank space require a number, a person’s name, a place, a date or time, or another word?

Very good test-takers also start to think of similar words to those on the test paper. Remember that understanding paraphrases is a key factor in succeeding on the IELTS!

There is a lot of practice material online. Below are a few links to get you started:

