読書の秋 Part 1
昭和39年、当時朝日新聞社の記者であったジャーナリストの本多 勝一さんとその仲間が、当時ほとんど未開の地であったニューギニア(現在のパプアニューギニア)を訪れ、「人食い人種」と恐れられていたニューギニア人の部族に入り込み、その暮らしぶりを赤裸裸に綴った実体験記です。
笑えたのが・・ 本多さん達が一緒に暮らしたモニ族はモニ語を話します。(現在の公用語は英語)モニ語の挨拶の言葉は、「アマカネ」です。本多さんによると、、彼らはありがとうにも「アマカネ」、どういたしましても、お気の毒にも、すみませんも、ごめんなさい等々も、全て「アマカネ」。誰かが転んだ時にも、一斉に「アマカネー!」だそうです。(笑) モニ語だったら、すぐマスターできそうじゃないですか?!
You can feel summer is ending and autumn is close at hand, especially in the early morning and evening.
It still gets a bit sweaty during the day, though.This is the best season for reading books.
What kind of books do you like to read?
I like nonfiction written interesting people who I could never meet in person, or practical books from many fields.
I often exchange books with my friends. The good thing about that is that you can get to know your friend’s views about things as well as their interests.Here, and in my next blog, I would like to introduce two books which were also recommended by my friends. One is nonfiction and the other is a novel.
New Guinea Highlanders
In 1964, Katsuichi HONDA, a journalist who was working for Asahi Shimbun at that time, and his company visited New Guinea (currently Papua New Guinea). New Guinea had not been explored at all in those days and they made contact with some tribes deep in the interior of New Guinea, who were known to be “cannibals.”
As I read, I felt that I was exploring the jungles and the mountains with them . . . puffing and panting . . .When I arrived at the village, I could see the almost naked people were living and enjoying their own particular lifestyle, just as we do our own. Honda-san says he couldn’t read any expression from their faces initially, but as he got close to them he understood that they were very emotional people . . . sulking, thanking, worrying, respecting feelings . . .In his book, you can feel their emotions just as if you were with them.
There is a funny episode in this book.
In the language the “Moni” tribe speaks, “amakane” means hello, a word of greeting.
But according to Honda-san, amakane is also used for thank you, you’re welcome, that’s too bad, excuse me, sorry and so on. When somebody falls, they shout… “amakane!!” all together.
Don’t you think we can speak Moni with little effort?
It seems this book is no longer published but you can borrow it at some public libraries in Sapporo.
Why don’t you check it out?
I will introduce “Jinsei gyakumodori tour” written by Utamaro Izumi in my next blog!