Could vs. was able to
These two phrases are almost the same in meaning, but there are some cases in which one sounds more natural than the other. In particular, when you are emphasizing something that you actually did, was able to sounds better.
O.K.: Even though the train was crowded, I could get a seat.
Better: Even though the train was crowded, I was able to get a seat.
Could is not incorrect in the example above, but was able to sounds more natural and emphasizes the fact that the speaker actually did get a seat.
Could is more often used to describe events that did not actually happen, but that might have happened if the situation had been different. In other words, could is often used to describe unreal events. The next sentence is an example of this.
・I could get a seat but I preferred to stand.
In this case, the speaker is emphasizing that there were empty seats available if he wanted to sit; however, he chose to stand instead.
・I knew that if I got to the station early I could get a seat, but I didn’t want to get up so early.
In this example, the speaker is implying that he actually did not get up early, did not get to the station early, and so did not get a seat.
“Could” と “was able to” この2つの言葉の意味は、ほぼ同じと言って良いでしょう。 ただし、どちらを選ぶかによって会話の自然さが変わってきます。あなたが「実際に何かをした」と強調したいときは、”was able to” の方が自然です。
まあまあな使い方: 電車が混んでいたけれど、座れました。
Even though the train was crowded, I could get a seat.
自然な使い方: 電車が混んでいたけれど、座ることができました。
Even though the train was crowded, I was able to get a seat.
上の例では、Could を使用しても間違いではないのですが、was able to の方がより自然で、話し手が実際に席を得ることができたという事実を強調できています。
Could は実際には起こらなかった出来事を表す場合によく使われます。実際には起こらなかったけれども、状況が違っていたら起こっていたかもしれない・・という状況の時です。